Clubs & Government
As LMC’s LGBT Alliance, provides information, support, and community for gay, lesbian, bi, trans, queer, questioning people, and their straight family and friends at LMC.
Black Student Union (B.S.U.)
Provides and promotes economic, political, and academic enrichment for – and develops unity among – Black students at LMC.
La Raza Unida Club
Works to unify Latino students at LMC by creating awareness and promoting community service.
Through theatre and community service, prepares members for the professional world via mentorship, raising social conscientiousness, and instilling values of mutual respect and honest communication.
United by Dreams
Raises awareness about undocumented students at LMC and in the community, develops leadership skills, and creates a safe space for inclusivity.
See the full list of clubs at: www.losmedanos.edu/studentservices/clubs
Associated Students of LMC
- Make a difference at LMC
- Have a voice that affects you and other students
- Gain experience and develop leadership skills
LMCAS President, Thyra Cobbs
LMCAS VP, Shagoofa Khan
Commissioner of Campus Events, Alyssa Compton
Commissioner of Outreach, Deborah Tatmon
Learning Communities
Math, Engineering & Science Achievement Program
Especially for students headed to transfer as majors in math-based fields
Transfer Academy
Supporting students as they prepare their foundation for transferring to a four-year institution
Honors Transfer Program
Provides its high-achieving members an enhanced academic experience
Focused on success for underrepresented students, with English and counseling support
Summer Bridge
Summer Bridge Program
Join this free 2-week program that provides recent high school graduates with a real inside look at the college experience, and get a jump start on your educational future
Committed to fostering and enriching the education experience of all students, especially African American and first-generation college students
I learned how to advocate for the needs of LMC students.
At first I was introverted and kept to myself. After getting involved with sports and clubs on campus, it opened my eyes to bigger and better opportunities. The LMC Softball team exposed me to different resources on campus like free counseling and tutoring services in order to help me with my academics and athletic success. While serving as student body president I was able to network with professors, faculty and students in order to further my academic success. These experiences have helped shape and improve my experience at Los Medanos College and have taught me life skills and lessons to help propel me toward my career goals in the future.
Priscilla Tatmon
Engineering Major