Expand your communication skills with language certificates and degrees
English as a Second Language
Participate in our program and you will:
- be more comfortable and confident in social, career, and educational situations
- increase your understanding of and respect for your community
- get prepared for personal, social, educational, and career opportunities
Certificate of Competency (non-credit)
College Skills Certificate (credit)
American Sign Language
There are many possible opportunities:
- work with deaf children in home or school settings
- interact with members of the deaf community in social and work-related situations
- provide support in schools, hospital settings, and in service-related areas
Certificate of Achievement
Associate of Arts Degree
Become bilingual and increase your opportunities for success in many careers:
- travel agent, journalist, or business development management
- multicultural education, religion, and service Industry
- public safety, fire service, and healthcare providers
Certificate of Achievement
Associate of Arts for Transfer Degree