High school students can earn early college credit at Los Medanos College, helping them reach their academic and career goals while saving time and money.
“Students taking college-level courses with LMC significantly improve their chances of graduating from college fully prepared to transfer to four-year universities at an accelerated rate or with a certificate or degree,” said Kelly Green, senior coordinator for LMC’s early college credit program. Early college credit is available to students who are are at least 14 years old and have graduated from the eighth grade.
This year, thousands of high school students in East County will be eligible to earn early college credit from LMC at little or no cost. Students in these programs benefit from an online college orientation and a counselor dedicated to their success.
“I applaud the innovative approach LMC has taken in partnering with our local high schools,” said Todd Whitmire, principal at Pittsburg High School. “I am thrilled with the strong partnership we have with LMC and the alignment of our goal to ensure students are ‘college ready.’”
Guide to early college credit
LMC partners with you by offering three ways to earn college credit FOR FREE while still in high school https://www.losmedanos.edu/earlycollegecredit.
Articulated Classes
Articulated high school classes have been approved by college faculty to have curriculum comparable to college courses. Students who earn an A or B in the class and an A or a B on the class final exam generally earn college credit for their work. The grade that is earned on the class final is notated as “Credit by Exam” on the student’s college transcript like Advance Placement credit. More than 20 high school courses at 14 local high schools and adult education centers are articulated with LMC this year.

Taelynn Botello
Dual Enrollment
Dual enrollment college classes are taught by college faculty at the high school campus. They teach with the same rigor and content as regular college courses. Dual Enrollment classes are open to all students on that high school campus at no cost. These courses require the parent/guardian and the high school counselor sign to approve the registration forms. This year’s dual enrollment offerings include more than 40 class sections at nine local high schools.

Taylor Botello
Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent enrollment allows high school students to take college classes. Popular courses include art, math and world languages. These classes require approval of the high school counselor and parent/guardian. Students can enroll in any course they wish, provided they meet pre-requisites. These courses cost of $1 per unit.
“I chose to be in a dual enrollment because of the challenge it would be! This class also looks phenomenal on a college application!” – Taelynn Botello, LMC Student
“Being a student of LMC Dual Enrollment has been very interesting. The different ways of learning chemistry – LMC Dual Enrollment allows us students to complete more actual experiments than just paperwork that you do for regular high school science class.” – Taylor Botello, LMC Student